Sales Activities Calendar

What gets scheduled in ZOOM CRM, gets done. Have all your sales activities stored in one place.

Create daily tasks so you can get things done

ZOOM CRM makes it easy to create your tasks and calendar events. Relate events and tasks to contacts, businesses and opportunities. Close deals on time!


Set sales priorities for the week

What we need to do this week to make the sale?

Focus only on the activities related to opportunities closing this week. Let’s make a sale!


Filter and manage daily tasks & sales activities

How many calls you have to make this week?

Filter activities in your calendar by type, so you can organize your schedule and focus on the most important tasks.


Completsed sales activities

What have we done so far?

See how many activities have been completed. Check the progress. It’s all in ZOOM CRM!


Manage your team’s to-do’s

Create tasks and calendar events for other team members. Delegate work effectively and follow up on your customers on time!


Keep track of client’s communication

What was discussed with the client in the past?

All the activities related to a contact, company or opportunity are safely stored in ZOOM CRM. It’s so much easier to make the next step with the customer.